Member Profile

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I have worked for Local Government in Queensland and NSW for over 26 years with a small gap working in the private sector. I am a fully qualified Accountant but my previous role at Tamworth was Governance Manager which introduced me to the wild world of Governance which I discovered I enjoyed much more than accounting. I am married with 2 teenage daughters.  I also enjoy travelling, playing hockey and watching sport.

What is your current role at Tamworth Regional Council?
Internal Auditor

What piece of advice do you want to share with others entering the sector.
Local Government is different to State and Federal Government and Private Enterprise – get to know the organisation and how things work before you start changing the world. It’s easier to change something if you know how it works before you begin.

What have you enjoyed about your membership with LG Professionals, NSW?
I love the learning and networking opportunities that LG Professionals provides. From the Webinars and Forums to the Conferences and Intensives, I meet new people and learn new things all the time.

What do you wish others knew about working in local government?
That we are all hard working people trying to do the best for our communities.

Photo: Tamworth Big Golden Guitar

Contact [email protected] for more information on membership with LG Professionals, NSW.